Sunday, September 30, 2012


Awesome Job on the Film on Friday!  I can't wait to see the end result.  I really felt like we got a ton of school spirit. 

VHS Film Crew - Shirt idea? 

Posters-A lot due!  You can't wait until the last minute.  (Nick)

Copilot #4-If you don't have a poster to work on move onto the next Copilot.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday Assignment

Hello Everyone,  Sorry I can't be with you today, but I will be back tomorrow.  Here is your task for today.

EMAIL ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS @ CSCHNEID@VERMILIONSCHOOLS.ORG I will check it throughout the day and feel free to stay after school if you have to get stuff done.  


Yesterday Morgan stayed after school and went and spoke with all of the club and sports advisors to let them know where they will be standing and gave them some fun ideas of things there group can do in front of the camera.

Now what I want you to do today is take the MASTER MAP off my desk and using pencil I want you to walk through the halls and time each location and write it down on the MASTER MAP.  Then I want you guys going to the teachers that are in charge of those clubs/Sports today and letting them know there time slots.  Tell them to watch the video so that they know what the music video is doing at that time and maybe they can plan to reinact that section of the music video.  WE really need to be relaying messages to our audience and you ALL need to be helping out.  I left a note for the sub to let her know that you would most likely be out of the classroom most of the period.

Producers you need to think about all the small details and figure out what else needs to be done.  I went through a lot yesterday but nothing was established.  FIGURE IT OUT TODAY!

Good Luck and see you all tomorrow,
Mrs. Schneid

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lip Dub Music Video



Things to think about:
          *Kids that are not in a sport or club-they need a location to stand too.
          *Get student names that want to be singing/dancing in front of the camera-talk to
           them about what you want them to do.
          *Talk to Club/Sports advisors-give them ideas on props and tell them their location, get
          a few stand out student names from each advisor. 
          *Are there any rooms you want to sneak in?
          *Do you want to start outside and walk in?
          *Should we make a sign for the beginning or end of it with the poster printer?
          *Should we make some anchor signs for people to hold up?
          *We need some names of students that want to be in front of the camera.(one
          cheerleader came to me and said she could do backhand springs down the hall)
          *Do we want teachers in the video?  And do we want to ask certain ones?
          *What kind of effects can we add to our video  to make it unique and stand out-
           how can we stand out from the rest?
          *What do you think about prerecording some groups seperate after school?
           Green screen zoom in.
          *Panning/ No Panning?
          *What do you want to take from Medina’s that you like and use and from the Navy’s?

Other schools examples to watch:


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Copilot 4 & Parody

Parody:  Song- Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5

Keying and Transparency:

Check this out:
Roller Coaster Tycoon:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Copilot 3

I was very proud watching you guys work in After Effects on Wednesday.  I can see that you are all willing to put forth a lot of effort to learn the program.  With a lot of hard work you will all be making great movies that show effects like we have seen in Charles' video's.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Poster Forms

Put your collages on hold for today.  We will get back to them by mid next week.  I am skipping the next copilot in After Effects until we get it uploaded onto our computers. 

Today we are going to come up with what kind of questions we need on a form to see what people want on a poster for the sports/seasons that you signed up for.  Those of you who have Fall sports have to get started on yours, so lets get the form ready and on Monday I will show you how to make good page layouts and create them in Photoshop and the Poster Machine as well. 

Lets compile a list together and then each of you is responsible for turning in your own form to me by the end of the class period.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

After Effects- EFFECTS


Today you should be able to upload After Effects.  You are going to begin playing with it on your Macbooks.  I want you to upload a video, any one you have will be fine for this.  Get familiar with the work area and how to upload.  Then play around with the different Effects and choose some of the ones you think are pretty cool to show to me on Friday after we watch the 3rd Copilot.

If you forget what we watched in Copilot 1 & 2, go back and watch the video's.  This is due on Friday.  It should take you no more then an hour so no exceptions. 

Finishin A-Z


Now that you have finished taking your A-Z photos I want you to organize your photos in Alphabetical order.  We are going to be making a collage of your letters and putting them together as one artwork.  So what I would like for you to do is open them in IPhoto and put them in order.  When you are putting them in order I want you to use only the best letter A picture, not all the letter A pictures.  You are going to have to open each picture to see which one is best because sometimes your picture can end up being a little bit blurry and you can’t tell by looking at only the camera.  Once you have your photos in order you need to sit down with Mrs. Schneid to assess your photos.  Once Mrs. Schneid gives you the OK, she will then print them and you will begin creating an alphabetical collage.  Everyones collage should be unique and different from your neighbors.  You are not just gluing your pictures down, think about how you can make your collage different from your neighbors and again how can you make yours so interesting that you get people to stop and really look at your artwork. 

Think about a border
Think about the angle of the pictures
Think about not staying within the traditional Rectangular Phrame
Think about using words in your collage, around or over top
Think about how you can be DIFFERENT

This is too traditional
Not what I want to see.