

*School spirit music video
*Personal Music Video

*Episode #1
*Action film/Photos
-Acting lessons start Tuesday’s and Thursday’s after Spirit week

*Finish Action film/photos
*WHO AM I? Film for all
*Extra Credit: Misleading Film

*Series #2
*Take photos with Scholastics in mind-and/or prepare portfolios
*Design 1 Movie Poster (to submit to scholastics under the design category)

*Choice film/Photos: Poem; Film Noir; Old school song modernized; props

*Open for ideas

*Series #3

*Whole class movie

*Video/Film 100% free choice-come up with a topic and talk it over with me.

Here is a syllabus of what I hope to cover this year in Advanced Film and Photo-it will be a bit different then last year for sure.

Assignment #1: Photography Series 8/28-9/13

Assignment #2: Spirit Week School wide film 8/27-9/27

Assignment #3: Posters for Senior Night 9/30-10/4

Assignment #4: Middle School Filming 10/7-10/11

 Assignment #5:  Plan and film the Academic Challenge Video 10/14-11/1

Assignment #5: Creating Films for the Scholastic Art Show  11/14-12/20
                          & Taking Photos for the Scholastic Art Show 

Assignment #6: Creating Films for the Hathaway Brown Film Festival 1/8-2/21

Assignment #7:  Photography Unit 2/24-2/28

      2/24-2/28      Finish Editing your hathaway Brown Films for turn in
                           Discuss in class what we want out design/topic for the 2014
                           Art Speaks in Vermilion Magazine to look like. 

Assignment #8: The making and designing of the Art Speaks in Vermilion Magazine

Assignment #9:  Film Assignment-Each person gets there own topic

Assignment #10: Photo shoot for body Art with Art 3/4 Students

Assignment #11: Sprint Senior Posters

Assignment #12: Creating Posters for the Film Festival based on a Movie you made this year.

Assignment #13:

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