Sunday, September 29, 2013


Everyone is to work on there posters this week.  Most of you have a poster set due for this Friday, but I need them by Thursday so that I have time to print them all off.  So you have 4 days.  I will post some good examples from Nikki today on here for us to look at. 

Great Job to everyone on your collaboration last week for the School spirit music video.  I can't wait to see how it all turns out!  Of course everything did not go smoothly, but we are all learning what works best together so next year we will have it down pat.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This week.......

Finalize filming details for Tuesday night.  We need a detailed list of angles, shots, where we are shooting and who our main actors are going to be.  So that everything goes smoothly in the evening and we can get things filmed in a reasonable hour.  

 Your edited photos are due today! 

Thursday some Posters are due for Senior night!  Be aware of your due date.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Due Dates!

By Monday you should have shot roughly 100+ photos for your time of day series based on lighting.  If you chose to shoot multiple subjects they are all due on Monday.  I want you to turn in 2 folders.

Folder #1: choose your best 2 photos for each lighting/time of day change
Folder #2: all the photos that you take should be in this folder.

Put both folders into one folder with your name on it and title it Photo Lighting series. 

On Monday we will be going over some refresher type things in Photoshop to enhance some of your photos. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Photography Series

I'm so thrilled that we already have our school spirit music video idea.  I can't wait to see how it will turn out.  Great job working together so far.  We still have a lot to do, but the beginning stages are looking great!

Assignment #1-Photography and Photoshop:

Time of Day
Focal Point