Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Story Boards

Hi Guys-

Sorry I am not there with you today.  Please work diligently on your Story Boards.  I want to see a substantial amount of them on Thursday with good detail like the ones I showed you on my blog (especially the first few scenes that you want to film).   I think that the story boards will be something you will need to revise as you are filming, so we are going to be filming and continuing to work on the Story Boards simultaneously.  You will need to find some time to do some filming almost every day while we are doing this assignment (starting on Thursday) in order for us to finish it before Christmas break (and that is a must finish date).

If you have any questions send me an email or Facebook message, I'll be checking them throughout the day.  Good Luck and see you all on Thursday!

Mrs. Schneid


  1. Mrs.Schneid will i still be able to record in hear for history because i need to green screen?

    1. Hi Morgan, Yes you can still film during 9th period today. I will be back sometime during 9th. MRs. S
