Monday, May 22, 2017

Team designs

For this assignment you will be taking 12 photos of individual players and collaging them to make one banner for a baseball team.    Here is what you need to have in your collages:

1.  New Font
2.  New Brush strokes
3.  Each kid lassoed out and collaged into 1 image that is 24 H x 42 W 300 Resolution
4.  Must have a seperate background layer
5.  Include
                 2nd period - Olmsted Falls Bulldogs Baseball 2017
                 5/6 period - North Olmsted Hot Stove 2017 MK Automotive
                 8th period - North Olmsted Hot Stove 2017 B-Spot
6.  Texture of some sort
7.  Overlapping effect with brush stokes
8.  Experimenting with color of the images of the kids.
9.  Proportionate to each player size

Examples of previous years:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Abstract Landscape Photography

20 Photos of Abstract Landscape photos

Must Include some:
Long Exposure
Quick Exposure

Different lighting effects

Patterns and colors


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Movie using props

Hey guys!

I will be out today with a sick little one.  Here is what I would like you to do.  The current movie I assigned to you you I said that I want you to use props.  I want one of the props to be a homemade item that is made out of cardboard.  You can make it in class.  I have cardboard being delivered to the room for you today.  Start mapping out what you can use and how you can use it in your film.  How can you make it look super realistic.  You can use paint to help you with this too.  On Tuesday (Wednesday if not in on Tuesday) I want to know your story that you will be filming for this assignment.  I am not sure how long I will be giving you so plan to start this right away and NOT wait until the last minute as the last minute may be this weekend :D

Hope to see you all tomorrow,
Mrs. Schneid

P.S. Matt if you finished the video please upload to Youtube and send me a link :

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Long Exposure Photography with light

You need 2 amazing photos of the following topics:  Use people in all photos except the Landscape.

1-Double light- using 2 different colored lights
2-Overlapping photos- either 2 in 1 or playing with long exposure having 2 images in 1
3-Twisting the camera
4-Motion- Sample of the dancer-need to have back light (a flash that goes off at the
    back end of your long exposure)
5-Landscape- @ night with light using long exposure settings (try putting a person or
    object in there too)

Photos due on MONDAY

Here is a great sample of experiment taken by Sierra of Nik:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personal Film Photo

2 Different Assignments- You choose 1.

You may work with 1 other person maximum. 

Needs to include music with a voice over that has personal meaning to you.  Location needs to have meaning to the theme of your video.  I want to see use of 5 different angles, short clips (around 7 seconds), Lighting should be good and pertain to your meaning you are going for.
1:30 second film minimum
2:30 seconds film max


Choose a location that is meaningful to you and do a photo shoot of an object or person that also have meaning in 1 way or another to you.  You can need to show me the following in your photos:

All pictures should be put together in IMovie with a song in the background.  Stay at each photo for 10 seconds.
12 GREAT Photos
4 Different Angles you shoot from
4 Different Backgrounds
2 Different times of day
1 that focuses on the use of Contrast
3 different depths of field (getting closer/higher/lower)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Scholastics and next assignment

For January you have a choice between several things to do.  For 1 it can be a film or it can be photos.

1.  Poem
2.  Fim Noir
3.  Old School Song mondernized
4.  Props heavy film/Photos

Get groups approved by me and idea topics as well by Tuesday.  Scripts in by Thursday.  I would like to see footage by Monday from all groups.  

Go online, get registered and print 2 forms for every piece you are submitting.  Sign and get them signed and turned back into me by this Friday!!!

Anyone that has a piece going to the Scholastic art show needs to make a point to help out with mounting artworks.  I will be mounting after school on Tuesday and Wednesday after school till 5:00.  I need help so if you have a piece going to the show you must show up to help me after school 1 of these days.  It approximately takes 15 minutes to mount 1 piece depending on the size.

Check my list and see if you have a piece going into the show.  If I missed a piece that you think is good and should be submitted please show me by Tuesday so that I can consider it.