Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yearbook Competition

Today and tomorrow you can also work on the Yearbook cover/Back cover.  Keep in mind you need to be working on your Copilots too.  You may have to work on some things at home.  The yearbook is worth a 50 point grade for me.  I have listed a bunch of important things about creating a graphic design layout.  Please read through all of them.  In order to make it a good composition you need to  remember the following:


You may already know a lot of these things, but please read through them all.  I added lots of other important information. Thanks guys:)

1. Unclutter/clean area-
          Think about how you want your area to look.  Do you want to have everything in line and neat looking?  You need to have a master plan, you can not go at this blindly. (look up other yearbook ideas on the internet and see what you can use/borrow from other designs-it's not cheating, it's borrowing ideas)

2. Balance- Sometimes it is nice to have some blank white space in a layout, but too much white space is not interesting.

3. Think about dividing the page into thirds-you will have more visual appeal (rule of thirds)
  1. most important elements spaced more or less evenly within vertical or horizontal thirds
  2. most important elements concentrated in the upper or lower third of the page
  3. most important elements centered on one of the points where lines intersect after visually dividing the page into thirds horizontally and vertically
4.Think about using 2 or more of the same design elements (example: if you decide to use circles as part of your background, use multiple circle design elements) 

5.Think about your color choice.  And your text choice-remember no more then 2 texts per page design layout.  I would probably stick with 1 for this assignment  (All text needs to show effects, it will make it pop and look more interesting).

6. What kind of photo or image do you want to have and will you draw it out, take a picture yourself or draw it out in Photoshop?  Think about how you want to lay this out. (example:Lasso, clone, square border with drop shadows, etc.)  You need to think about this before you begin.

7.  Think about size relationships.  You do not want everything to be the same size, so what is going to be the largest and smallest?  Think this through and experiment with it.

If you have any questions or need anything you know all the different ways to contact me.  I will have my computer on me-don't hesitate to let me know what is going on.

See you all on Monday,
Have a good weekend and I hope you can get some filming for the Horror Film done.
Mrs. Schneid

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