Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Timeline: A portion needs to be established by the end of class on Thursday.  I want you guys to start filming over the weekend.  Use the weekends to your advantage.  The full Timeline will be due with your Storyboard on Tuesday.

Storyboards: These are due on Tuesday.  I will be out on Monday so you have the whole day to work on them in class, but they are officially due on Tuesday.  Scripts and all.  I want to see details and camera angles too. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Tuesday

Hey Guys,

Sorry I will not be in today.  Here is what I would like from you by tomorrow:

In a paragraph write down what your story idea is for your new movie topics.  Tell me the main ideas here, this is just so that I can get a feel for what you are thinking and see if your story has potential to be turned into a movie.  Basically this is your way to persuade me and sell your idea to me.  I will meet with each of you on Wednesday in class to hear your ideas.  We will also watch anyone's time movie that is done too.   If you finish your solid story paragraph for the next film, please start writing out your script.  As your script will be due in a few START THEM NOW!

Thanks guys and have a great Tuesday,
See you all tomorrow,
Mrs. Schneid

Friday, February 22, 2013

New Project Website

Here is everyone's next movie topics:


If you have any questions please let me know.  Brainstorm ideas over the weekend.  Use the website above as guidance too-it is a great resource for movies that were already created based off of your theme.  And get your time movies all finalized too.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


ALL edited time footage is due tomorrow.  You can wrap it up during class, but by the end of class I should have everyones individual cut footage with AUDIO.  By the end of class your group "Leader" should have your final footage so that it can all be put together over the weekend so that we can watch movies on Monday (LETS HOPE we don't get this one 2 weeks late, not to mention any names:) ) 

I can't wait to watch these movies-I've seen some good scrips and clips.  Your movies all seem to get more and more creative, which I love to and hope to see.  So Kudos and Thank You!

During class today I am going to meet with each of you to get you thinking about your next movie ideas.  That way you can have a little longer to ponder your ideas. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

One on One Meetings

Today I would like to meet with each of you individually and see what YOUR footage is that you shot, all angles of your scenes that you were responsible for.  So please come to class prepared with your footage.  Shooting your own angles is worth 25 points.  Remember all footage and audio was due today.  I hope you are all keeping up with my deadlines. So make it happen!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Great Job!

Hello Everyone,

Happy Valentines Day!  Sorry I am not there today, but I will be back on Friday.  I just wanted to say great job yesterday painting, being painted and to the camera crew too.  You guys all did a great job!  And THANK YOU all too for being patient and being a part of one of my favorite "in house" field trip lessons.  I really enjoyed watching you all work so hard and the creativity that I saw in all of you.  I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did too.  Here is a pic  that Chaz finished editing-AWESOME job!

Click here to watch the VHS Cool School 2 minute video!

As for today, I think you all know what you have to do.  Solo groups and groups that have a lot of footage shot should be working on editing together in class.  To my group of 5-FILM, FILM, FILM!  Just let the sub know where you will be.  I left a note on my desk that it was ok for you guys to go and film.  Please turn the light off in my office and close the door when you leave.  If anyone needs anything, please just let me know.

Have a GREAT day and see you all on Friday,
Mrs. Schneid

Monday, February 11, 2013



Painters:                              People they are Painting:
Ashleigh                                    Abbe
Sid                                             Maverick
Adam                                         Jack
Brittany                                      Sam C.
Jordan                                        Devon
Codie                                         Zach G.
Morgan                                      Michael
Sam D.                                       Louise

Camera Crew/Page Layout team for magazine:

Here are the updated DUE DATES based on the change of Wednesday's "Field Trip" in my classroom.  I have also broke down a job list for Wednesday too.  I decided to invite my Art 3 students in to help us on the Art side of things, and I thought it would be nice with a few more people too.  Let me know if you have any questions.

1/3 OF SCENES SHOT: Due by Tuesday 2/12/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S. = 15 points.

ALL SCENES SHOT: Due by Monday 2/18/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S = 25 points
                                     *Editing on scenes that are done need to be worked on over the
                                       weekend-remember you will let your teammates down if you are
                                       behind and don't get your stuff done- DON'T do that to your group.

2/7/-2/15: Class time should be used to shoot your footage (especially if getting
                 together outside of school is an issue for your group)
                *And talking about the editing details-look and feel with transitions,
                  anything on the editing end.

2/18-2/20: Class time to work on helping each other edit your movies in After Effects.

DUE DATE for individual Scenes Edited: 2/22/13

WHOLE MOVIE together Due Date: 2/25/13 

We will watch all Movies on Monday 2/25 and I will introduce the next assignment on Tuesday 2/26.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Time Movie-Guidelines


Everyone in the Group Must do the following within your group:

     1. Take full responsibility for 1/2 or 1/3 of the Scenes.
         (example: you have 9 scenes, 3 people in your group, each person
               is responsible of 3 scenes)

 What all does a SCENE RESPONSIBILITY entail?-Good question, let's take a look :)

     1.  Shooting the Camera footage for that scene.
     2.  Setting up all angles for your scenes-keep 5-7 seconds per angle in mind.
     3.  A detailed script for your scenes-turned in individually on the due date listed below.
          -You need to be the leader for your scenes-so you can have help from your group,
            but you should be directing it. 
     4.  You are 100% responsible for editing your scenes in After Effects
          (if using another program-please see me).
          -This includes uploading your own footage-adding transitions, audio, music,
            color corrections and any effects.
         -So now you are all going to have to work together to collaborate on script,
           camera angles, then what you want the look and feel of the video to be when
            put together (A LOT OF COLLABORATION-the whole way through)
     5.  You will then all drop box your own footage individually to me.
     6.  Then you can choose 1 person to finalize and put the whole thing together
          after I have everyones individual footage. 


SCRIPT: Due by Wednesday 2/6/13 (individual ones due here)

1/3 OF SCENES SHOT: Due by Tuesday 2/12/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S. for pts.

ALL SCENES SHOT: Due by Friday 2/15/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S for pts.
                                     *Editing needs to take place overt the weekend-remember you
                                       will let your teammates down if you are behind and don't get
                                       your stuff done- DON'T do that to your group.

2/7/-2/15: Class time should be used to shoot your footage (especially if getting
                 together outside of school is an issue for your group)
                *And talking about the editing details-look and feel with transitions,
                  anything on the editing end. 

DUE DATE for individual Scenes Edited: 2/20/13

WHOLE MOVIE together Due Date: 2/22/13