Monday, February 4, 2013

Time Movie-Guidelines


Everyone in the Group Must do the following within your group:

     1. Take full responsibility for 1/2 or 1/3 of the Scenes.
         (example: you have 9 scenes, 3 people in your group, each person
               is responsible of 3 scenes)

 What all does a SCENE RESPONSIBILITY entail?-Good question, let's take a look :)

     1.  Shooting the Camera footage for that scene.
     2.  Setting up all angles for your scenes-keep 5-7 seconds per angle in mind.
     3.  A detailed script for your scenes-turned in individually on the due date listed below.
          -You need to be the leader for your scenes-so you can have help from your group,
            but you should be directing it. 
     4.  You are 100% responsible for editing your scenes in After Effects
          (if using another program-please see me).
          -This includes uploading your own footage-adding transitions, audio, music,
            color corrections and any effects.
         -So now you are all going to have to work together to collaborate on script,
           camera angles, then what you want the look and feel of the video to be when
            put together (A LOT OF COLLABORATION-the whole way through)
     5.  You will then all drop box your own footage individually to me.
     6.  Then you can choose 1 person to finalize and put the whole thing together
          after I have everyones individual footage. 


SCRIPT: Due by Wednesday 2/6/13 (individual ones due here)

1/3 OF SCENES SHOT: Due by Tuesday 2/12/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S. for pts.

ALL SCENES SHOT: Due by Friday 2/15/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S for pts.
                                     *Editing needs to take place overt the weekend-remember you
                                       will let your teammates down if you are behind and don't get
                                       your stuff done- DON'T do that to your group.

2/7/-2/15: Class time should be used to shoot your footage (especially if getting
                 together outside of school is an issue for your group)
                *And talking about the editing details-look and feel with transitions,
                  anything on the editing end. 

DUE DATE for individual Scenes Edited: 2/20/13

WHOLE MOVIE together Due Date: 2/22/13

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