Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Scholastic Video's

Our main focus for these next 3 weeks are your scholastic video's.  Stick to your calendars and make sure you are prepared to film everyday. 

On another note, I can't wait for the movies on Wednesday with you all.  Frozen and Chipotle here we come :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

School Spirit Video

I would like to say  thank you to all of my Advanced Film students for doing an amazing job producing, creating and editing this years School Spirit Music Video.  I thought it was unique and different from last years, which is what we were going for.  Thank you to Ashton, Eric and Zach for all your hard work on putting the video together.  YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!

Here is the link, I will have the actual video up in a few days when it shows up in my browser.  Hope you guys ENJOY watching it.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Let's take a look at the photos you have taken thus far.  We will be discussing the pros and cons to all of your photos.  This should help all of you for you next photo lesson on composition. 

On another note I heard great things about your filming on Friday.  Kuddos to you all.  I can't wait to see the film all edited.  Mr. Zellar was happy to have you all over there filmin.  So THANK YOU!!!  Blake see me about there schools theme for the school year, he wants you to squeeze that into the film somehow.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Film Assignment

AWESOME job on the Posters thus far!  I couldn't be more proud of how they turned out.  You all showed me that you learned a ton in Photoshop from this assignment.  And our critique on the posters on Friday also showed me that you can point out what is good and what needs fixed within a composition.                  So KUDOS to you all! 


Let's talk:  Middle School Teachers assignment.  We are going to change up job on this one too.  This one might involve a small field trip too.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Everyone is to work on there posters this week.  Most of you have a poster set due for this Friday, but I need them by Thursday so that I have time to print them all off.  So you have 4 days.  I will post some good examples from Nikki today on here for us to look at. 

Great Job to everyone on your collaboration last week for the School spirit music video.  I can't wait to see how it all turns out!  Of course everything did not go smoothly, but we are all learning what works best together so next year we will have it down pat.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This week.......

Finalize filming details for Tuesday night.  We need a detailed list of angles, shots, where we are shooting and who our main actors are going to be.  So that everything goes smoothly in the evening and we can get things filmed in a reasonable hour.  

 Your edited photos are due today! 

Thursday some Posters are due for Senior night!  Be aware of your due date.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Due Dates!

By Monday you should have shot roughly 100+ photos for your time of day series based on lighting.  If you chose to shoot multiple subjects they are all due on Monday.  I want you to turn in 2 folders.

Folder #1: choose your best 2 photos for each lighting/time of day change
Folder #2: all the photos that you take should be in this folder.

Put both folders into one folder with your name on it and title it Photo Lighting series. 

On Monday we will be going over some refresher type things in Photoshop to enhance some of your photos. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Photography Series

I'm so thrilled that we already have our school spirit music video idea.  I can't wait to see how it will turn out.  Great job working together so far.  We still have a lot to do, but the beginning stages are looking great!

Assignment #1-Photography and Photoshop:

Time of Day
Focal Point

Friday, August 9, 2013


Above design created by Chaz Coverdale 2012
Welcome to Advanced Film & Photo!  So glad you all enjoyed Intro enough to come back for more.  I can't wait for this school year.  I'm excited to see the creativity that you are all capable of.  Being a smaller class, you will see that this course is going to be run a bit different than the intro class.

Today we are going to go over "How to be more Creative" and discuss your first assignments.

Get signed into my blog site and tell me something you are hoping to do this year in Advanced Film.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

End of the Year!

It has been a wonderful school year with you all.

Seniors-thank you for all of your hard work and commitment to making wonderful films and works of art for my class.  I know a lot of you have spent A LOT of time on my assignments-and if I haven't already told you enough I REALLY APPRECIATE IT and THANK YOU!!!!!!    I appreciate all of you help with making the Magazine, helping at the Fine Arts Fair and at the Film Festival.  All 3 were a huge success thanks to all of you.    I hope you will come back next year to visit me as you are all welcome anytime.  And lastly I hope that you will share with me any wonderful films and photos you take beyond High School.  I would love to see your future accomplishments.  I hope you enjoyed my class and took something away from it.  BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL!

Senior Blogs due Wednesday.  Underclassman Blogs due on Monday.

Final-End of Year blog:
       Here is what you should have by the end of the year plus all other movies listed below on a recent blog:

1. Class Competition Movie
2. Movie Posters
3. Final Movies
4. End Page-Reflection on the year and course in general-this page should be a reflection on the course, what you have learned and taken from the course.  Here is what I'd like to see on this page. (This section is worth 50 points-so make sure you elaborate and write a lot, the more you write and answer my questions thoroughly the more points you will get)

1-I want a section on your personal accomplishments and growth from the time you entered my classroom to today.  How have you gotten better and in what areas have you grown.  Be specific, reference films you have made and in what areas you improved and explain how. 

2- If you have any tips, tricks, how-to's or websites that you think I would find helpful to use in the future, please list them here.

3-I also would like you to write a section on how you think the course could be improved upon.  What did we not do that you would have liked to do?  What would you have liked to do more of or have learned that you didn't?  In what areas do you feel I should learn more to make the course better?  I appreciate any constructive criticisms you guys give me as I know I am not perfect and have a lot to learn and the only way for me to get better at what I do is to know what I am doing wrong or need to learn more about to make the course better.   

4-And lastly tell me what you loved about the course.  What were your favorite things that we did that I should make sure I do again next year-you can list anything from field trips to projects or prep-work for assignments (like paint balling in class).

5-And of course make the page pretty by adding one of your favorite pictures from the school year-whether it was one you took or a class picture that you like and are proud to put on your blog site.

I hope you will use these blogs as references in the future and as an online portfolio of what you created in high school in film and photography-the BEST class ever :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Movie Posters Due Today!

Feel free to send me your Movie Posters if you did not show it to me yesterday.  Can't wait to see what other designs you guys come up with.  There are a few good ones that I can't wait to print so far.

Have a GREAT weekend, see you all, mostly all, on Monday.
Mrs. Schneid

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog Updates

1st Semester:
        Here is what should already be on your blog site:

1. School Spirit Music Video
2. Year Book Design
3. Poster Designs-if you ever did yours
4. Personal Video
5. Best Photos
6. Copilot Videos

2nd Semester:
        Here is what you need to update from second semester:

1. Children's Book Video
2. Time Movie
3. Individual Word Movie
4. Magazine Covers/Publisher's pages and any pages worthy
5. Thank you Video
6. Intro Videos

Final-End of Year blog:
       Here is what you should have by the end of the year:

1. Class Competition Movie
2. Movie Posters
3. Final Movies
4. End Page-Reflection on the year and course in general.

Movie Posters

You Movie Posters must consist of the following:
1. Title
2. Slogan if one
3. Picture of main character(s)
4. Background picture-separate from the character pic
5. Date of Release
6. Rating
7. Credits in small writing

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fine Arts Fair

Finally a New Post!  Sorry I have been slacking on my Blog site.  Been a little busy.

I just want to say thank you to all of you who worked so hard to help make the 2nd Annual Fine Arts Fair a HUGE success.  Pictures courtesy of Charles and Chaz show how well the show went.  You guys ROCK!  Thank you so much for helping me, I couldn't have done it without you.  I'd like to say a special thanks to Sid and Chaz for staying many late nights with me to mount and tag and hang things up, and of course to Nick  for always showing up late too :)  I hope you will all come back next year to help me out of the kindness of your hearts.

Here are a few pics from the show:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

HB Film Festival

 Our bus of students that came to the festival.  Thanks for coming to the Festival.  I had a good time.


Best in Show:

"Larry"  You can watch it here

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hathaway Brown Film Festival

Click on the link below if you are planning on submitting work to the Film Festival.  Let me know what pieces you are submitting before you submit. These need to be submitted by Saturday.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Gotta Love a SNOW DAY! 

Hopefully this helps some of you get your film done so you have something to show me tomorrow.  Use your time wisely.  Having something is better then nothing.

And I am hoping that ALL of you can devote about an hour or more to working on your MAGAZINE pages/Covers/Producers Pages today.  I know we won't get them done if we only work on them in class.  This is very important to me and I'm REALLY hoping you guys can work on them so they WILL get done.

Another thing you have to have done by Thursday is your blog updated.  You can start uploading your finished films now so you can get all points for third quarters Blog grade. 

If you have any questions let me know, and thanks for working so hard on all of this, I really appreciate it.

Mrs. Schneid

Sunday, March 24, 2013


     -Submit Finished Movie

     -In class we will be working VERY HARD on our
                     Magazine pages
                     Cover/Back Cover for Magazine
                     Publishers/Producers Page
     -See the details below if needed.
        (Feel free to show me your stuff so that you know you are on the right track
          as to what I am looking for)

     -If you have anything you need to fix on your Movie, you can turn in an updated
      version of you Movie Tuesday.  We will watch them in class on Tuesday or Wednesday.  

Thursday, March 21, 2013


 It is CRUNCH TIME!!!!!!!

We have until next Thursday to get the following done.  And over the weekend your biggest task is getting your FILM's done.  SO...........we are really, really crunched for time.

MAGAZINE Stuff you need to ALL do by Thursday 3/28:

1-Your assigned pages.
2-A Cover page and a Back Cover page-we will vote and the most votes wins both.
    These should somehow match our theme too.
    Things you need to include on the Front Cover are:
         *Art Speaks in Vermilion
         *An amazing picture that you create and edit in Photoshop
         *You can incorporate your initials somewhere small
         *and lastly our subtitle "A Splash of Art"

3-A 1 or 2 page Producers/Publishers page (we can call it either one-let me know if you have a preference) This too should match out theme.  Everyone's pictures should appear on this page.  These will be posted in handouts by Monday as we don't quite have everyone's picture taken yet. 

4-We will want to watch your finished movies on Monday and we will have to discuss your next assignment on Tuesday.  So even our class time is very limited.  So you will have to find some out of class time to work on these.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"A Splash of Art"

our theme title

Here are examples of what kind of splatters that would be acceptable for the page layout backgrounds/covers/backgrounds and producers page designs.  PLEASE TRY TO BE A LITTLE MORE CREATIVE WITH THE COVER AND BACKCOVER.

FRONT COVER should include:
*Art Speaks in Vermilion
*A Splash of Art
*You can also put your initials somewhere on the page too-SMALL.



EXTENSION:  Let's Talk!

MAGAZINE:  Out theme is officially SPLATTER PAINT & TEXTURES.
                    *    I need from you a Front and Back cover that showcase our theme well.
                    *    I need a Producers Page that has a picture of everyone from our class on
                          it that also follows our theme.
                    *    Everyone needs to shoot there own photos for all of your own background
                          pages.  Let's talk a little about what we do and do not want in these.

                    *    We will divide up all of the artworks in a few days once I see you are all
                          well on your way with the above items.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Timeline: A portion needs to be established by the end of class on Thursday.  I want you guys to start filming over the weekend.  Use the weekends to your advantage.  The full Timeline will be due with your Storyboard on Tuesday.

Storyboards: These are due on Tuesday.  I will be out on Monday so you have the whole day to work on them in class, but they are officially due on Tuesday.  Scripts and all.  I want to see details and camera angles too. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Tuesday

Hey Guys,

Sorry I will not be in today.  Here is what I would like from you by tomorrow:

In a paragraph write down what your story idea is for your new movie topics.  Tell me the main ideas here, this is just so that I can get a feel for what you are thinking and see if your story has potential to be turned into a movie.  Basically this is your way to persuade me and sell your idea to me.  I will meet with each of you on Wednesday in class to hear your ideas.  We will also watch anyone's time movie that is done too.   If you finish your solid story paragraph for the next film, please start writing out your script.  As your script will be due in a few START THEM NOW!

Thanks guys and have a great Tuesday,
See you all tomorrow,
Mrs. Schneid

Friday, February 22, 2013

New Project Website

Here is everyone's next movie topics:


If you have any questions please let me know.  Brainstorm ideas over the weekend.  Use the website above as guidance too-it is a great resource for movies that were already created based off of your theme.  And get your time movies all finalized too.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


ALL edited time footage is due tomorrow.  You can wrap it up during class, but by the end of class I should have everyones individual cut footage with AUDIO.  By the end of class your group "Leader" should have your final footage so that it can all be put together over the weekend so that we can watch movies on Monday (LETS HOPE we don't get this one 2 weeks late, not to mention any names:) ) 

I can't wait to watch these movies-I've seen some good scrips and clips.  Your movies all seem to get more and more creative, which I love to and hope to see.  So Kudos and Thank You!

During class today I am going to meet with each of you to get you thinking about your next movie ideas.  That way you can have a little longer to ponder your ideas. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

One on One Meetings

Today I would like to meet with each of you individually and see what YOUR footage is that you shot, all angles of your scenes that you were responsible for.  So please come to class prepared with your footage.  Shooting your own angles is worth 25 points.  Remember all footage and audio was due today.  I hope you are all keeping up with my deadlines. So make it happen!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Great Job!

Hello Everyone,

Happy Valentines Day!  Sorry I am not there today, but I will be back on Friday.  I just wanted to say great job yesterday painting, being painted and to the camera crew too.  You guys all did a great job!  And THANK YOU all too for being patient and being a part of one of my favorite "in house" field trip lessons.  I really enjoyed watching you all work so hard and the creativity that I saw in all of you.  I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did too.  Here is a pic  that Chaz finished editing-AWESOME job!

Click here to watch the VHS Cool School 2 minute video!

As for today, I think you all know what you have to do.  Solo groups and groups that have a lot of footage shot should be working on editing together in class.  To my group of 5-FILM, FILM, FILM!  Just let the sub know where you will be.  I left a note on my desk that it was ok for you guys to go and film.  Please turn the light off in my office and close the door when you leave.  If anyone needs anything, please just let me know.

Have a GREAT day and see you all on Friday,
Mrs. Schneid

Monday, February 11, 2013



Painters:                              People they are Painting:
Ashleigh                                    Abbe
Sid                                             Maverick
Adam                                         Jack
Brittany                                      Sam C.
Jordan                                        Devon
Codie                                         Zach G.
Morgan                                      Michael
Sam D.                                       Louise

Camera Crew/Page Layout team for magazine:

Here are the updated DUE DATES based on the change of Wednesday's "Field Trip" in my classroom.  I have also broke down a job list for Wednesday too.  I decided to invite my Art 3 students in to help us on the Art side of things, and I thought it would be nice with a few more people too.  Let me know if you have any questions.

1/3 OF SCENES SHOT: Due by Tuesday 2/12/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S. = 15 points.

ALL SCENES SHOT: Due by Monday 2/18/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S = 25 points
                                     *Editing on scenes that are done need to be worked on over the
                                       weekend-remember you will let your teammates down if you are
                                       behind and don't get your stuff done- DON'T do that to your group.

2/7/-2/15: Class time should be used to shoot your footage (especially if getting
                 together outside of school is an issue for your group)
                *And talking about the editing details-look and feel with transitions,
                  anything on the editing end.

2/18-2/20: Class time to work on helping each other edit your movies in After Effects.

DUE DATE for individual Scenes Edited: 2/22/13

WHOLE MOVIE together Due Date: 2/25/13 

We will watch all Movies on Monday 2/25 and I will introduce the next assignment on Tuesday 2/26.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Time Movie-Guidelines


Everyone in the Group Must do the following within your group:

     1. Take full responsibility for 1/2 or 1/3 of the Scenes.
         (example: you have 9 scenes, 3 people in your group, each person
               is responsible of 3 scenes)

 What all does a SCENE RESPONSIBILITY entail?-Good question, let's take a look :)

     1.  Shooting the Camera footage for that scene.
     2.  Setting up all angles for your scenes-keep 5-7 seconds per angle in mind.
     3.  A detailed script for your scenes-turned in individually on the due date listed below.
          -You need to be the leader for your scenes-so you can have help from your group,
            but you should be directing it. 
     4.  You are 100% responsible for editing your scenes in After Effects
          (if using another program-please see me).
          -This includes uploading your own footage-adding transitions, audio, music,
            color corrections and any effects.
         -So now you are all going to have to work together to collaborate on script,
           camera angles, then what you want the look and feel of the video to be when
            put together (A LOT OF COLLABORATION-the whole way through)
     5.  You will then all drop box your own footage individually to me.
     6.  Then you can choose 1 person to finalize and put the whole thing together
          after I have everyones individual footage. 


SCRIPT: Due by Wednesday 2/6/13 (individual ones due here)

1/3 OF SCENES SHOT: Due by Tuesday 2/12/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S. for pts.

ALL SCENES SHOT: Due by Friday 2/15/13 Need to show them to Mrs. S for pts.
                                     *Editing needs to take place overt the weekend-remember you
                                       will let your teammates down if you are behind and don't get
                                       your stuff done- DON'T do that to your group.

2/7/-2/15: Class time should be used to shoot your footage (especially if getting
                 together outside of school is an issue for your group)
                *And talking about the editing details-look and feel with transitions,
                  anything on the editing end. 

DUE DATE for individual Scenes Edited: 2/20/13

WHOLE MOVIE together Due Date: 2/22/13

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


You need to create a movie that is centered around TIME. 
How you choose to portray time is up to you-Here are a few general ideas, but you are not limited to these:

     -Time moving Fast
     -Time moving Slow
     -Time standing still
     -A time Limit

The Time Machine

12 Monkeys

Phone Booth

The Lake House

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1 day assignment

Everyone must recreate 1-2 yard signs.  
Try to take your own picture and make the designs more unique then what you see here. 
Below are examples of the previous signs.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Children's Books=Movies

Let's take a look at a few Children's books that were successfully turned into movies.  Usually there is a twist to the original or more added to what already existed.  Don't be afraid to add to your movie.  It will make it more interesting for us as your viewers.  I LIKE TO SEE CREATIVITY THAT YOU COME UP WITH ON YOUR OWN!

Hansel & Gretel
This one is about to come out in the theaters on January 25th.  Let's read the book and take a look at the trailer together. 

This movie is a sequel to the famous PETER PAN.  Let's take a look.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Must See Movies

Here are the Trailers to two MUST SEE movies:


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

     First off I would like to say Congratulations to the following students for having an Artwork selected to be in the 2013 Scholastic Art show.  Out school did AMAZING this year, receiving 3 Gold Keys, 11 Silver Keys and 46 Honorable Mention.

Charles Hervey received 2 GOLD KEYS, 5 SILVER KEYS and 5 Honorable Mentions
Chaz Coverdale received 2 SILVER KEYS and 2 Honorable Mentions
Sid Thiessen received 2 Honorable Mentions
Abbe Sindilar received 1 Honorable Mention

I am so Proud of you all.  CONGRATULATIONS!

This Week's Schedule:
Monday: Watch any Personal Video's if willing
                Blogs-your Midterm Exam-these need updated
                Discuss Next Movie Topic
Tuesday:  Work on Blog site!
Wednesday:  Work on Blog site and start Storyboarding your Movie!
Thursday:  Same As Wednesday!

Next Movie:

Choose a Favorite Childhood book and turn it into a Movie.  You are free to use your favorite style of Filmmaking.  I would love to see some of you choose Stop Motion-they always turn out so cool.